Kings Fish World is truly a place to discover the wonders of the sea and ocean where strange creatures hide beneath rocks and behind coral. Bright glistening colors abound in a palate only imagined.
An aquarium designed and built by Kings Fish World is nothing less than a work of art designed to rival that of any famous artist. We, however, prefer to create a living work of art that is constantly in motion, where each step closer brings new discoveries. Here we can fulfill your wildest dreams when it comes to state of the art, yet proven, show quality marine aquariums.
We are now offering in-home or business aquarium maintenance services. We maintain all types of tanks-freshwater, planted, cichlid, marine and reef. Services can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly depending on the aquarium.
The marine aquarium can easily become the most beautiful and interesting addition to your home or office! With options ranging from the menacing beauty of a lionfish to the peaceful serenity of a tropical reef, weird, wild and wondrous are all possibilities. Nearly 2,000 gallons of marine fish, corals, invertebrates and live rock should fulfill all of your wishes.
Renowned for our extensive variety of tropical fish and equipment, Kings Fish World has what you need to succeed in this rewarding hobby. Our friendly, knowledgeable staff will guide you through a vast selection of choices to find the best fit for your aquarium needs. Whether you are interested in community fish, cichlids, or a beautiful planted aquarium, we are here to help.