About Fishes / Tropical and Marine Aquarium

Most of the people prefer to go for pet fish care because they believe that it is an excellent listener.

Here you can get useful ideas of how to choose your dream fish from so many different varieties of fish. Once you learned the techniques of rearing pet fishes, you can become as an advanced aquarist (fish keeper).

Tropical and marine aquaria are big business. There are over six million homes keeping tropical & marine fish in the India and this number is witnessing a very healthy growth year on year. Thousands of businesses include tropical and marine fish in their decor to amuse clients as they wait their turn for services and appointments like in doctor's offices, hospitals, airports and restaurants.

Different type of fishes

Description: scissortail-sergeant-major-12939.jpg

Abudefduf sexfasciatus
Scissortail sergeant major

Description: wahoo-acanthocybium-05764.jpg

Range: Atlantic, Indian and Pacific: in tropical and subtropical waters, including the Caribbean and Mediterranean seas.
Synonyms: ono

Description: blue-tang-surgeonfish-08677.jpg

Acanthurus coeruleus
Blue tang surgeonfish
Range: Western Atlantic: New York, USA and Bermuda to the Gulf of Mexico and Brazil. Eastern Atlantic: Ascension Island

Description: eyestripe-surgeonfish-08717.jpg

Acanthurus dussumieri
Eyestripe surgeonfish
Range: Indo-Pacific: East Africa to the Hawaiian and Line Islands, north to southern Japan, south to Rowley Shoals, southern Great Barrier Reef and Lord Howe Island, Guam in Micronesia; absent from most of central Pacific. Mascarene Island

Description: japan-surgeonfish-acanthurus-japonicus-07930.jpg

Acanthurus japonicus
Japan surgeonfish
Range: Indo-Pacific.
Synonyms: Japanese surgeonfish, powder-black surgeon

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Acanthurus nigricaudas
Blackstripe surgeonfish

Description: arabian-surgeonfish-11762.jpg

Acanthurus sohal
Arabian surgeonfish
Range: Western Indian Ocean: Red Sea to the Persian Gulf
Synonyms: sohal tang, sohal surgeonfish

Description: sturgeon-poacher-agonus-acipenserinus-13718.jpg

Agonus acipenserinus
Sturgeon poacher

Description: alloclinus-holderi-island-kelpfish-01025.jpg

Alloclinus holderi
Island kelpfish
Range: Eastern Pacific: Santa Cruz Island in southern California, USA to central Baja California, Mexico

Description: butterfly-goodeid-ameca-splendens-13986.jpg

Ameca splendens
Butterfly goodeid
Range: Jalisco, Mexico

Description: barrier-reef-anemonefish-08823.jpg

Amphiprion akindynos
Barrier reef anemonefish
Range: Western Pacific: eastern Australia (Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea, northern New South Wales), New Caledonia, and Loyalty Islands

Description: amphiprion-bicinctus-anemonefish-05246.jpg

Amphiprion bicinctus
Range: Western Indian Ocean: Red Sea and Chagos Archipelago
Synonyms: anemone fish, clown fish

Description: red-saddleback-anemonefish-07792.jpg

Amphiprion ephippium
Red Saddleback Anemonefish
Range: Eastern Indian Ocean: Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Thailand, Malaysia, and Java and Sumatra in Indonesia.
Synonyms: Saddle Anemonefish, Glhkohlen Anemonenfisch, Sadel Klovnfisk, Poisson-Clown Selles, Pez Payaso Tomate ,Rybka-Kloun

Description: fire-clownfish-08826.jpg

Amphiprion melanopus
Fire clownfish
Range: Pacific Ocean: Indonesia (from Bali eastward), southern Philippines, New Guinea, Australia (Queensland), New Britain, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu (New Hebrides), New Caledonia, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa Islands, Society Islands, Caroline Islands, Marianas, Kiribati and Marshall Islands

Description: amphiprion-ocellaris-clown-anemonefish-09233.jpg

Amphiprion ocellaris
Clown anemonefish
Range: Indo-West Pacific: eastern Indian Ocean including Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Thailand, Malaysia, and northwest Australia to Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines
Synonyms: false percula clownfish

Description: percula-clownfish-13673.jpg

Amphiprion percula
Percula clownfish
Synonyms: Percula anemonefish

Description: amphiprion-perideraion-pink-anemonefish-08819.jpg

Amphiprion perideraion
Pink anemonefish
Range: Indo-Pacific: Christmas Island in the eastern Indian Ocean to southern Japan, Ryukyu Islands, Taiwan, Philippines, Gulf of Thailand, Indonesia, New Guinea, New Britain, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Caroline Islands, Marianas, Kiribati, and Marshall Islands

Description: saddleback-clownfish-amphiprion-polymnus-08830.jpg

Amphiprion polymnus
Saddleback clownfish
Range: Western Pacific: Ryukyu Islands, China, Viet Nam, Taiwan, Gulf of Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia (Northern Territory, Gulf of Carpentaria), New Guinea, New Britain, and Solomon Islands

Description: yellowtail-grunt-05104.jpg

Anisotremus interruptus
Yellowtail grunt
Range: Eastern Pacific: Gulf of California to Peru, including the Galapagos Islands
Synonyms: yellow-tailed grunt, burrito grunt

Description: apodichthys-flavidus-penpoint-gunnel-13716.jpg

Apodichthys flavidus
Penpoint gunnel

Description: spotted-gill-cardinalfish-12952.jpg

Apogon chrysopomus
Spotted-gill cardinalfish

Description: guadalupe-cardinalfish-02406.jpg

Apogon guadalupensis
Guadalupe cardinalfish
Range: Eastern Pacific: San Clemente Island in southern California, USA to Gulf of California in Mexico and offshore islands

Description: threadfin-cardinalfish-08880.jpg

Apogon leptacanthus
Threadfin cardinalfish
Range: Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and Mozambique to Samoa and Tonga, New Caledonia; throughout Micronesia
Synonyms: thread-fin cardinalfish

Description: sevenstriped-cardinalfish-08682.jpg

Apogon novemfasciatus

Description: southern-orange-lined-cardinalfish-08684.jpg

Apogon properupta
Southern orange-lined cardinalfish
Range: Indo-Pacific

Description: ornate-cowfish-aracana-ornata-09247.jpg

Aracana ornata
Ornate Cowfish
Range: Eastern Indian Ocean: Australia (southern Western Australia to Western Victoria and Tasmania)

Description: narrow-striped-puffer-09458.jpg

Arothron manilensis
Narrow-striped puffer
Range: Western Pacific: Borneo, Philippines, Samoa, Australia and Tonga
Synonyms: striped puffer fish

Description: guineafowl-puffer-07916.jpg

Arothron meleagris
Guineafowl puffer
Range: Indo-Pacific.
Synonyms: guinea-fowl pufferfish, white-spotted balloon, white-spotted puffer

Description: swallowtail-damselfish-azurina-hirundo-05064.jpg

Azurina hirundo
Swallowtail damselfish
Range: Eastern Pacific: Baja California (Mexico) and the Guadalupe and Revillagigedo islands
Synonyms: swallowtailed damsel, swallow tail damsel fish

Description: bala-shark-09321.jpg

Balantiocheilus melanopterus
Bala shark
Range: Rivers of Southeast Asia, principally Thailand, Borneo and Sumatra
Synonyms: Silver shark, tricolor sharkminnow

Description: clown-triggerfish-07840.jpg

Balistoides conspicillum
Clown triggerfish
Range: Indo-Pacific.

Description: topminnow-belonesox-belizanus-09795.jpg

Belonesox belizanus
Range: Central America: from Laguna San Julian, northeast of Ciudad Veracruz in Mexico to Costa Rica. Southern Gulf of Mexico, southern Yucatan and along Central American coast south to Nicaragua. Introduced in freshwater in Florida
Synonyms: top minnow, pike killifish, pike livebearer

Description: mexican-hogfish-05768.jpg

Bodianus diplotaenia
Mexican hogfish
Range: Eastern Pacific: Guadalupe Island and throughout the Gulf of California to Chile, including the Cocos, Malpelo, Revillagigedo and the Galapagos islands
Synonyms: vieja

Description: mimic-roundhead-09234.jpg

Calloplesiops altivelis
Mimic Roundhead
Range: Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to Tonga and the Line Islands
Synonyms: comet

Description: blue-spotted-jack-05765.jpg

Caranx melampygus
Blue-spotted jack
Range: Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to Ducie Island, north to the Ryukyu Islands, south to New Caledonia. Eastern Central Pacific: Mexico to Panama
Synonyms: blue spotted jack, blue jack

Description: caranx-sexfasciatus-bigeye-jack-00249.jpg

Caranx sexfasciatus
Bigeye jack
Range: Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to Hawaii, north to southern Japan and the Ogasawara Islands, south to Australia and New Caledonia. Eastern Pacific: southwestern coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico and the Gulf of California to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands